Saturday, 5 July 2014

Travel Story? Love to join in...

Royal Cousins...and me at the Coronation ©Solange Hando

Belt, pins, kira, it was all there, laid out on the bed but how do you put on a Bhutanese dress? Perhaps the hotel staff could help?
'Sorry, madam, too early, no ladies on duty.'
So there I was in a hotel room, 5.30 in the morning, with two men I'd never met, struggling with metres of fabric, folding this way, that way, under the arm, over the arm, to no avail. 'I can't be late for a Coronation,' I pleaded, so the youngest ran out into the street to look for a woman, any woman who would know what to do. No one in sight, the men struggled on.
When I reached the monastery gate at last, the police lady smiled: 'Excuse me, madam, your dress isn't quite right, may I help you?'

Going native is great fun and can be more exciting than you'd expect!
Now, what's your story?
I'm sure you have plenty to tell so if you'd like to be a travel writer, enjoy yourself and earn some cash, just follow the link on Amazon.  
Good luck and see you on the road... 

1 comment:

  1. This did make me smile. So glad the police lady stepped in to help. But how was the coronation? Did you write about it in another post? I'm longing to hear more.
