Saturday 28 March 2015

Self-publishing, the Way to Go?

Do you want to publish a book?
Do you wonder which way to go?

Think carefully
Don't let the flattery of  a 'proper publisher' blind you to the pros and cons
Here are my top reasons to self-publish, next time round

You are in charge

Pricing? You decide
How much to charge for the e-book or the paperback if you want that as well
You can check the competition and see how to beat it 
You can change the price any time you like
If you feel a discount would boost sales, you decide how much and how long it should last

 Amazon categories? You choose
After pricing, categories are the most influential factor for sales
The smaller the category, the easier it is to reach top 100 in a specific niche
That's a great way to improve visibility
You can add or remove categories as you see fit

Anything else?
If your book isn't selling as well as it should, you can:
Change the cover
Change the title
Change the blurb
Improve keywords
Edit content

and best of all...
You keep all rights
It's your fast track to publication and profit
If you do all of the above, your book will sell and make money for you
70% or more on Amazon e-books

Now, if you're not convinced and still want to go with a publisher, check how much personal guidance you can expect, how your book will be edited (content as well as format?), how much marketing, if any, the publisher will do and what royalties are on offer.
Once you've signed the contract, you can't go back, it's all out of your hands.

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